Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

principle means of demonstrating to you why the world is
plagued by violence from Muslims is by presenting the
Koran in the correct chronological order. When you turn to
the Koran which follows this Introduction, you will see for
yourself that Islam views non-Muslims as the enemy, and
that Islam rules that those believers who do not die in the
fight to subjugate non-Muslims are Muslims whose destiny
is an eternity of torture. If this book fails to show you the
reasons why Muslims are violent towards non-Muslims, then
we do not believe that you will ever understand what is
happening. We do know the image of Islam presented here
flies in the face of years of propaganda fed to people via
television and what passes for education in schools and
We non-Muslims in the West have been grossly

deceived by the lies and omissions of an elite class.^20 As
ordinary members of the public, whether we be atheists or
Christians, conservatives or communists, we should not
need to seek out the Koran and decipher it ourselves, we
should not need to find our way to university libraries to
discover the shelves of books going back centuries which
proved to their readers that Islam was a violent and
expansionist ideology. This is a job which in normal life
our society delegates to an elite class. But instead of
telling us the truth, this elite class have constructed a wall
of lies and misinformation. Whether they did this
deliberately or from fear is irrelevant: the end result is
the same. Devout Muslims are murdering and slaughtering
our countrymen, and all of our lives have been affected in
some way by the actions of these Muslims, yet no leader is

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