Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

offering us any explanation which makes any sense. From
the Koran we present here, you will see for yourself that
Islam is the absolute opposite of a religion of peace.
We hope that in seeing a Koran where the last
commands to come from the lips of Mohammed are the
first things you read will make clear to you that Islam is a
religion of war, where the true believers are seen as the
soldiers of Allah. It is only when the people of the West
clearly see the nature of Islam that we can proceed to deal
with this threat head on. That is not to say that there is
complete agreement about the entire chronological ordering
of the chapters of the Koran. Nevertheless, the authorities
are agreed on one key fact: the last parts of the Koran which
came from Mohammed, are the chapters commanding war,

and certainly not any chapters extolling restraint.^21
Commands from Allah to kill the unbelievers are what
dominate the later part of the Koran, and these commands
cancel out those few earlier commands which might suggest
that Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion. It is these
cancelled, earlier commands which our leaders use to
deceive us about the violent history of Islam and the
commands to violence contained in the Koran. One of the
most frequently cited verses used to claim that those
Muslims who use terrorism are not Islamic is a verse

which says “there is no compulsion in religion”.^22 But as
our chronological Koran shows, this is one of the parts of
the Koran which experts say was cancelled by the
commands to kill. Those who cite this verse about
supposed religious tolerance are either lying or they are
ignorant. The book you are reading is peppered with

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