Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

burned off, only to have our skin grow back and be burned

off again.^29 By contrast, obedient Muslims are going to
spend eternity in the Gardens of Paradise, gardens which
have flowing rivers of fresh milk and of wine (yes, wine),

whilst the unbelievers are drinking boiling water in Hell.^30
But not all Muslims are assured of going to Paradise: only
those who die fighting to impose the rules of Islam are
guaranteed entry to Paradise: “Allah hath bought from
the believers their lives and their wealth because the
Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah

and shall slay and be slain”.^31 Devout Muslims have no
doubt about the opposition Islam creates between believers
and unbelievers, nor any doubt about the eternal horrors of
Islam’s Hell, contrasted with the eternal pleasures of Islam’s
Paradise. Those who find the faith of religious people
puzzling or even ridiculous should try to understand that to
the religious their beliefs are not silly. If some Muslims
really are believers, they really do believe in the eternal
torment of Hell and the eternal pleasure of Paradise. Some
of those believing Muslims may be terrified of war and
violence and death; but if they really do believe that a short
life on earth is to be replaced by an eternity of pleasure or
an eternity drinking boiling water, why should we be
surprised if they kill for Islam, as the Koran commands?
Many of us in the West are even being compelled by law to
respect the religious beliefs of Muslims, beliefs which
declare us to be an enemy, a sub-human enemy who the
Koran says is to be killed if we will not submit to rule by
Muslims. So if we sub-human Kuffar are supposed to

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