Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

respect an ideology that despises us, why would we not also
respect their Islamic belief that unless they kill for Islam
they risk spending an eternity having their skin burned off?
If we are to respect Islam, then should we not also respect
that they are commanded to kill? Muslims believe that what
Mohammed recited were the eternal words of Allah, which
is why Mohammed was not only known as “the Prophet”
but also known as “the messenger of Allah”. The Islamic
belief is that the commands to kill in the Koran are the word
of god, and to those who follow Islam there is no greater
authority in the world than Allah.
If you read the Koran contained in this book from back
to front, you will be reading the verses Mohammed issued
first. You will also see in our Koran verses where we have
put a line through the text: these are verses which Muslim
authorities recognize as having been “cancelled” by the later
(violent) verses. When reading from the back of our Koran,
you will see that the verses commanding violence do not
start until you are more than half-way through the Koran –
because in the first half of Islam that Mohammed revealed,
Mohammed was not preaching violence. But for the last
half of the Koran recited by Mohammed, the god of Islam
was commanding Muslims to fight the unbelievers (the
Kuffar), to kill those who refuse to abandon their beliefs,
to kill those who refuse to follow the rules of Islam. By
distracting you from the later, violent stage of Mohammed’s
commands and telling you that Islam is “a religion of peace”
your leaders in the West are deceiving you about what the
Koran says and deceiving you about the history of Islam for
over 1000 years.

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