Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Navy, and from the poetry of Dante to the humble
croissant, the people of the West were supposed to never
forget that Islam was a predatory religion of war. But
following the attack on 9/11, an attack by the religion of war
in the very heart of the West, the educated elite did not
contradict George Bush and his promotion of The Grand
Lie. None of the educated elite drew attention to a
thousand years of history which proved that the President
of the United States was blatantly lying.
This speech by George Bush at the start of the twenty-
first century will be seen as the crucial point from which the
elite in the West brazenly lied to those who had delegated
authority to this elite. At the very time that the American
public needed to grasp what was the cause of, and the
implications of, this attack (the biggest single assault on the
USA at least since Pearl Harbor), a Republican President

gave the public not the truth, but lies.^50 Not surprisingly,
President George Bush cited no chapter and verse from the
Koran to substantiate his claim that “Islam is peace”. The
President did not even tell his audience if what he was
saying was taken from the Koran or taken from some

commentary on the Koran.^51 The world’s only superpower,
a country whose entire national defence system failed,
permitting an enemy to slaughter thousands of people in
multiple simultaneous terrorist attacks, was blatantly
deceived by its own Commander in Chief. As is obvious
from the warning signs about Islam listed above, signs
which permeate the culture and institutions of so many
countries in the West, Bushʼs Grand Lie could only work
with the complicity of the elite throughout politics,

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