Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

to the public about Islam with no consequences.
A few days after the beheading of this soldier, Nick
Clegg the Deputy Prime Minister made a public statement
about the attack, and in doing so he too deceived the British
public about the nature of Islam, but in a far more brazen
way than even President Bush deceived Americans. This
liberal British politician was no ignoramus: before entering
politics he had been a journalist and was a graduate of three
prestigious universities: Cambridge University, Minnesota

University and the College of Europe.^72 His speech was
widely-quoted by the media and was placed on the website
of his political party.
Clegg cited verse 32 chapter 5 [of] the Koran, which
says: “If anyone kills a human being it shall be as though he
killed all mankind whereas if anyone saves a life it shall be

as though he saved the whole of mankind”.^73
In espousing The Grand Lie, President Bush was
vague about what part of the Koran he was supposedly
quoting as proof that Islam was a religion of peace. But
when the Deputy Prime Minister of Britain addressed a
public meeting to explain why this beheading of soldier
Lee Rigby was not Islamic, you will note that Clegg
actually cited the chapter and verse of the Koran from

which he was supposedly reciting.^74 What most non-
Muslims would not realise from this speech, is that the
Deputy PM could only “prove” that Islam is opposed to
the taking of human life by omitting the central part of
that very verse, the part of the verse which encourages
Muslims to kill. It was as if this politician stood up and

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