Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

claimed that one of the ten commandments of Christianity
was “Thou Shalt Murder” instead of “Thou Shalt Not
Murder”. Judaism and Christianity both have

commandments saying that murder is a sin.^75 Islam has no
such commandment. On the contrary: Islam explicitly
commands Muslims to kill non-Muslims. So the only way
in which the elite can “prove” Islam is opposed to killing
is by deliberately distorting what the Koran says.
To make it completely clear how brazen was the
deception by the Deputy Prime Minister, here is what the
full verse of Koran 5:32 says.

For that    cause   We  decreed for the Children    of
Israel that whosoever killeth a human being
for other than manslaughter or corruption
in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all
mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it
shall be as if he had saved the life of all

If you compare the sentence we quote with what the Deputy
PM claimed he was quoting, you can see that he removed
the section about killing people for “manslaughter or
corruption” (in bold in the quotation above). The section
omitted by the Deputy PM, specifically authorizes killing
(thus completely refuting the idea that the Islam opposes
killing). And if one looks at the following verse (Koran
5:33), it spells out what is meant by “corruption” (the
grounds on which someone may be killed):

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