Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
The  only    reward  of  those   who     make    war
upon Allah and His messenger and strive
after corruption in the land will be that they
will be killed or crucified, or have their hands
and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be
expelled out of the land. Such will be their
degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter
theirs will be an awful doom.^77

The “corruption” for which killing is the punishment
authorized in Koran 5:32 is defined in the following verse as
“making war against Allah and Mohammed”, that is,
attempting to implement some political, religious, moral or
legal system other than Islam. Resisting domination by
Islam is thus seen by Muslims as an act of war against Islam
and for this death is sanctioned. So, resisting Islamic
domination (in order to practice your existing religion or
lack of religion) is corruption, for which the penalty is
death. Koran 5:32 is the only part of the Koran which
apologists for Islam ever cite as (supposedly) being some
sort of proof that Islam opposes killing.
If you look out for this verse being ʻquotedʼ by those
defending or promoting Islam, you will find that without
exception they omit the part of the verse which sanctions
killing. Why do this unless they are intentionally trying to
mislead their audience? Whilst frequently accusing critics of
Islam of taking verses out of context, this is instead
precisely what the Quisling elite does, with the pretence that

Koran 5:32 supposedly condemns killing.^78 So, in the
simplest possible terms: the only verse of the Koran which

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