Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

promote the idea of a transitional form of Islam, a “British

Islam” or a “French Islam” that is somehow an Islam-lite,^104
a reformed low-calorie Islam, one (supposedly) without all
the nasty murder and enslavement exposed by Western
scholars throughout the nineteenth and twentieth

centuries.^105 In proposing a moderate Islam, an Islam-lite,
the elite will not do anything that actually poses any
challenge to Islamic demands or Muslim behaviour in the
West. Thus, we Kuffar are not to do anything that might
challenge any of the principles of Islam (such as drawing
Mohammed), and the history of Islamic domination and
genocide is to remain concealed from the public; the
population of Muslims is to continue increasing despite the
terrorism and other threats; no laws are to be put in place to
monitor what is said in the thousands of Mosques. How the
Muslims in the West have responded to events (such as
depictions of Mohammed), would inform the public about
how well the (supposed) process of moderating Islam has
been going. If the public were to see huge demonstrations
by Muslims in favour of freedom of speech, then there
might be some reason for us to believe that “British
Islam” was somehow different from the Islam in Pakistan
or Iran. But there is no reason for anything other than
pessimism. Submitting to Muslim transitional demands
(provide halal meat, donʼt burn the Koran, respect Islam,
etc.) simply emboldens the Jihadis.
The elite, drawn from our own countrymen, have sided
with the most fundamentalist forms of Islam - for example,
the Islam where all images of Mohammed are banned.
During the controversy over the Mohammed drawings in a

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