Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Danish newspaper in 2005 (a controversy entirely
manufactured by Muslim imams to stop the Kuffar having
accessible visual accounts of the story of Mohammed’s

violent rise to power),^106 the number of western newspapers
and TV channels who showed the cartoons at the heart of
the controversy could be counted on the fingers of one
hand. Out of thousands of news outlets in dozens of
countries - countries not ruled by sharia law, countries
which boast about freedom of speech - all the news outlets
in those countries surrendered to the censorship demanded
by the most extreme form of an immigrant religion, a
religion followed by less than 10% of the population in any
of those countries. And the elite who want to fob off the
population with the ruse of an Islam-lite promoted the need
for censorship in order to stop Muslims from being
“offended” and resorting to violence! Yet, if there really was
an Islam-lite that was not in conflict with the West, then
there would have been no need for this censorship. The rest
of us do not become murderous terrorists when we are
What the elite are forcing on our societies is
Islamisation by stealth and deceit: the rules of Islam are
to be imposed not just upon the followers of Islam but also
upon the majority non-Muslim population. The elite tell us
to put our trust in a “transitional demand” (moderate
Islam, Islam-lite), whilst the behaviour of the elite shows
they are siding with the most extreme form of Islam, the
form of Islam compared to Nazism. For example, between
9/11 and the 7/7 terrorist attack in London the left-wing
British government was attempting again and again to pass a

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