Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

law criminalising anyone who offended a Muslim.^107 Thus,
whilst telling us that Islam in our countries was somehow
different from Islam in the Muslim world, our newspaper
editors were opting for self-imposed censorship and our
governments were passing laws protecting Muslims from
being offended by the victims of Islam learning about our
future fate. These laws punishing the Kuffar for
“blasphemy” against Islam are the kinds of laws that exist in

Muslim-dominated countries.^108 Slowly but surely, through
refusal to stand up for our rights (or through legislation
taking away our rights), our countries are being
Islamized. And the driving force behind all of this is the
preparedness of Muslims to kill in the name of Islam.
A mostly secular, increasingly atheistic public in the
West is expected to believe that there is no point of contact
between the Islam-lite in the West and the slave-taking Arab
Muslims in the Islamic State, or the slave-taking African

Muslims of Boko Haram in Nigeria.^109 In recent decades no
attempt is made by our politicians, journalists or academics
to explain just how it is that Islamo-Nazis could find
anything in Islam, anything in the Koran itself, anything in
the behaviour of the founder of Islam, which would serve as
the basis for the terrorist violence which the world is
enduring. Our educated elite would prefer to allow Islam to
spread in the West, like Trotskyism, infiltrating
organisations under the pretence that the infiltrators have
exactly the same morality and agenda as the majority of the
population in our liberal democratic Western societies. In
reality the infiltrators follow a doctrine which instructs them

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