Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

to overturn our society in order to subjugate the people
around them. Thus, countries like the UK pass laws against
Islamic practices like Female Genital Mutilation and then the

UK never enforces those laws.^110 The State pretends to
oppose barbaric acts from seventh-century Arabia being
applied in twenty-first century London, whilst ensuring
that these laws are never enforced. The refusal to apply
the law of the land shows to Muslims that we Kuffar are
being transitioned into a country where sharia law
applies. Here is another example: in general, people in
Western countries are forbidden to wear clothing which
hides the face, unless the people in question are Muslim (in
which case such laws are not applied).
Muslims with all the benefits of citizenship in our
country resort to murdering other citizens en masse, and we
are both passively encouraged and actively coerced into
avoiding anything which “provokes” violence from the

followers of a doctrine which seeks our subjugation.^111 Our
laws become subservient to Islamic law, just as if the
country is 95% Muslim rather than 5% Muslim. And slowly
but surely, people start to behave increasingly in ways that
are compliant with Islam whilst the size of the Muslim
population continues to grow, with no space in the national
media to discuss the problems which Islam introduces into
our countries nor to discuss how our society has been
changed for the worse and where we are headed. The force
propelling us along this trajectory is not that we Kuffar like
Islam and want more of it. The force driving this is that
Islam is violent in the face of that which is not Islam, that
which is Kuffar. If we do not stand up to the violence and

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