Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

The Crime Of Quoting Winston


“the    Mahommedan  religion    increases   [...]   the fury    of
intolerance [...] propagated by the sword [...] the hopes
of plunder and the joy of fighting [...] The religion of
blood and war is face to face with that of peace.
Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better

Winston Churchill, 1898
Below the surface of any debate, the true doctrines of
Islam and the history of Muslim wars and slavery against
Europe, Africa and Asia are concealed by the sugary and
dishonest phrases of our own educated elite. Indeed, in
twenty-first century Britain, Paul Weston (the leader of a
political party) was arrested for daring to publicly read
some of Winston Churchill’s comments on Islam. Many of
the British news media could not even bring themselves to
repeat what it was that Churchill said about Islam that led to
Mr. Weston being arrested. Instead the news reports about
the arrest of Mr. Weston were filled with quotations from
Muslim organisation after Muslim organisation, people who

were not even witnesses to the event!^117 That is how
detached any debate on Islam is from reality: a respectable
man seeking political office was arrested for quoting the
most famous British Prime Minister of the last 100 years,

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