Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

and “serious” newspapers could not even bring themselves
to inform their readers what it was that Churchill had written
that was supposedly so outrageous. By act or by omission,
politicians, journalists and educators will lie to you and your
family about how Mohammed came to power, they will lie
to you about what the Koran says, they will lie to you about
the nature of Islam, and they will lie to you about the history
of Islamic genocide, even as the devout soldiers of Allah are
murdering people in New York, London, Paris, Madrid,
Mumbai, Brussels, Dhaka, etc. The Quisling class will dress
themselves up as if they are fighting the same ideological
battles as Churchill, whilst their police forces instead
arrest those who dare to quote what Churchill actually
said. The situation is dire.
Even when Cameron sought to look Churchillian in his
comparison of Muslim extremists with Nazis, this was but a
pale imitation of Churchill’s actual view of Islam. Here are
the remarks by Churchill which resulted in Paul Weston’s
arrest in 2014:

How  dreadful    are     the     curses  which
Mohammedanism lays on its votaries
[followers]! Besides the fanatical frenzy,
which is as dangerous in a man as
hydrophobia [rabies] in a dog, there is this
fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are
apparent in many countries. Improvident
habits, slovenly systems of agriculture,
sluggish methods of commerce, and
insecurity of property exist wherever the
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