Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

1948, Churchill described the rise of National Socialism in
the 1920s as a new, fanatical, religion of war, something
more akin to Islam than to anything else in history:

When    eventually  he  [Hitler]    came    to  power,
[in Mein Kampf] there was no book which
deserved more careful study from the
rulers, political and military, of the Allied
Powers. All was there – the programme of
German resurrection; the technique of party
propaganda; the plan for combating Marxism;
the concept of a National-Socialist State; the
rightful position of Germany at the summit of
the world. Here was the new Koran of faith
and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but
pregnant with its message.^126

Churchill equated Mein Kampf with the Koran, and like
David Cameron sixty years later, Churchill equated Islam
with Nazism. As Churchill indicates in describing Mein
Kampf as “the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose,
shapeless”, he considered the Koran likewise to contain the
programme of war to enable Islam to take over the world.
Churchillʼs complaint was that the political class ignored
Mein Kampf and thus did not foresee the threat from
National Socialism. The difference now is that our
contemporary political class are Quislings, aligned with
Islam and lying to the public about the contents of the
Koran and lying about the history of Islamic violence
against the world. As we will show, in recent decades, our

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