Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Quisling elite cannot be truly ignorant about the doctrines
and history of Islam.
If you have been indoctrinated by political
correctness, you might be saying to yourself “comparing
Muslims to Nazis is just anti-Muslim prejudice”. But some
twentieth-century Muslim commentators have themselves
proudly seen Mohammed as a greater political and
military leader than Hitler, Julius Caeser and Alexander
the Great!

If  the social  and political   circumstances   of  his
time are taken into account, he has no equal
among the initiators of major historical
change. Men such as Alexander, Caesar,
Napoleon, Hitler [...] do not bear comparison
with him. They all had the support of the
armed forces and public opinion of their
peoples, whereas Mohammad made his way
into history with empty hands and in a hostile
society. Perhaps Lenin can be rated the most
potent man of the present century and
compared with Mohammad.^127

Despite the parallels between Islam and National Socialism,
in a European election campaign in Britain in 2014 (a year
in which there were over three thousand Islamic terrorist

attacks across the world),^128 the British public were not even
allowed to hear Mr. Weston point out that politicians of just
fifty years ago were warning the West about the perennial
threat from Islam. Mr. Weston was not comparing

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