Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

on Islam for 150 years before President Bush provided
Muslim terrorists with the cover of The Grand Lie. If those
proclaiming that “Islam is a religion of peace” are not
promoting a perverted version of Islam (one with no basis
in the texts of Islam nor in the history of Islam), then the
alternative explanation is that this elite mean there will
only be peace when everyone has been subjugated by
Yet a month after PM Cameron’s much-hailed “counter
extremism” speech, this man with the best education money
could buy didnʼt seem to know if he was coming or going
when he tried to explain Islamic terrorism:

this    is  what    we  face    –   a   radical ideology[...]
that is overpowering moderate voices within
the debate... any strategy to defeat
extremism must confront, head on, the
extreme ideology that underpins it. [...] It
cannot be said clearly enough: this
extremist ideology is not true Islam. [...] But
simply denying any connection between the
religion of Islam and the extremists doesn’t
work, because these extremists are self-
identifying as Muslims. [...] To deny it has
anything to do with Islam means you
disempower [...] the voices that want to
challenge the scriptural basis which extremists
claim to be acting on.^132

So, the ideology which motivates Islamic terrorism is not

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