Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

each new threat to those who want to openly discuss the
problems with Islam, there is a reduction in what people
feel we are able to say about Islam: most publishers will

not publish books that are truthful about Islam,^136 art
galleries happy to offend any Christian will not show any
work related to Islam, venues will not allow public debate
within their walls, members of Kuffar families dare not
even discuss Islam among themselves. Geert Wilders, the
leader of one of the largest political parties in Holland,
underwent multiple criminal trials for publicly speaking

about Islam,^137 that is, for publicly discussing the principle
policies of his party. When a group of authors met in
Denmark to discuss the ten-year anniversary of the
Mohammed cartoon controversy, their meeting had to be
held inside the Parliament building – the only building in
Copenhagen that the police thought was enough of a
fortress that it could protect such dangerous thought as a

discussion about cartoons.^138 In February 2015 a previous
meeting in Copenhagen to discuss the issues around these

cartoons resulted in a terrorist attack on the gathering.^139
It seems perfectly clear, the elite are not going to
provide the public with any of the material needed to make
informed decisions about the kind of immigrants we wish to
permit into our countries, the true risks of Islamic

terrorism,^140 or even what risks your daughter faces on her

way home from school.^141 If fundamentally important
information is concealed from the public, then there is
naturally a chasm between what the public believe about
Islam and how members of the public can justify those

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