Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

beliefs with proof from the Koran itself (Muslims and
their Quisling allies may dismiss all other forms of
evidence except the Koran). It is bad enough when the
basic text of Islam is turgid, verbose, and shapeless, as
Churchill said. Yet whilst the doctrines of Islam remain
beyond the grasp of the ordinary person, it is easier for
Muslims and their helpers among the elite to confuse us,
to stifle debate and to hinder the introduction of the
necessary policies. While there are no truthful television
programmes or movies about the life of Mohammed or
about the history of Islamʼs genocides against us
unbelievers, then even the basic narrative of the rise of
Islam can be concealed from the ordinary person.
In his landmark “counter-extremism” speech David
Cameron brought up the example of the historian David
Irving. Irving is described as a “revisionist” historian, which
means that he does not accept some of the significant details
of the account of the Holocaust that occurred in World War
II. Cameron says

When     David   Irving  goes    to  a   university  to
deny the Holocaust – university leaders
rightly come out and condemn him. They
don’t deny his right to speak but they do
challenge what he says.^142

This is another part of the deceit played by Cameron: Irving
is barred from speaking at academic institutions and is even
considered a criminal in some countries for stating his

views.^143 Cameron pretends that David Irving is given some

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