Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

illogical thoughts, such as “War is Peace”.

To  know    and not to  know,   to  be  conscious   of
complete truthfulness while telling carefully
constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two
opinions which cancelled out, knowing them
to be contradictory and believing in both of
them, to use logic against logic...^157

Orwell named this kind of indoctrination “Doublethink”.
Orwell has shown untold millions how Doublethink operates
(his novel has been on the literature syllabus in schools for
decades). Yet Doublethink has been routine across the West,
in the form of The Grand Lie: all over the world Muslims
kill in the name of Islam, and the elite in the West present a
united front in their deception that “Islam is a religion of
peace”. What enabled the elite to pull off this deception is
that it is so hard to make any sense of the Koran. While
the Koran is distributed as a jumbled-up series of
chapters, the true structure of its commands to kill and
subjugate you and your family are not evident. In our
Koran, these commands are exposed, with the aim that
readers can understand the threat in minutes, not months.
Most of the population of the West have known
nothing about Islam, and most of us have had no reason to
take an interest in this strange, alien religion. Like children,
we have allowed the elite in our societies to lie to us: we
have yielded to the authority of our highly-educated
politicians, journalists and clergy, assuming they would tell
us the truth. Yet for the sake of your own children and

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