Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

grandchildren, we all need to grow up and take
responsibility for our own understanding of what is
inevitable with the importation of Islam into our culture. We
are informed of some devout Muslim committing some
horrendous violent crime against us in the name of Islam,
and then we are immediately made to swallow the illogical
claim that “Islam is a religion of peace”. This Doublethink
cannot be permitted to continue.
Despite this near-universal attempt to deceive the
public into considering Islam to be a religion of peace,
surveys show that in most Western countries, the public
view Islam with hostility. Without facts and evidence to
hand the public can be duped into believing themselves
prejudiced. In the USA between 2001 and 2015 public

hostility towards Islam went from 39% to 61%.^158 In Britain
in 2015, 55% thought that Islam was incompatible with
British values (with a mere 22% answering that it was

compatible).^159 A survey in 2011 subtitled “Muslim-
Western Tensions Persist” showed that in Britain, France,
Russia and the USA only a small majority of those asked
had a favourable view of Muslims; whilst in Germany and
Spain the majority of respondents had a negative view of

Muslims.^160 Why is it that in democracies the hostility found
in these surveys is not manifested at all in the national
debate nor in public policy? We would argue that it is
because individuals do not feel they can justify their
hostility towards the followers of Islam the way they feel the
can justifiably articulate their hostility to Nazis. When
people see the Koran in chronological order and see that

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