Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

it culminates in commands to kill non-Muslims, individuals
should have no difficulty in justifying their hostility to
Islam and to those who follow the doctrines of Islam. Why
is it that general hostility is not manifested in terrorist
violence by us Kuffar towards Muslims? We would argue
that is because our culture has at its basis the Christian ideal
of universality and non-violence, the exact opposite of
Islam. But the fear of Muslim jihad is now so great that a
survey at the start of 2017 showed that a majority of
Europeans want to close the borders to further immigration

from Muslim-majority countries.^161 It is arguable that
Britainʼs vote to leave the European Union was the closest
approximation the British were given concerning the choice
to close the gates to Islamic immigration. Over the previous
six decades the electorate was never given a referendum
asking if they wanted mass immigration and Islamisation.
Leftists will argue that hostility towards Islam comes
down to prejudice on the part of the ignorant working-
class. But it is the reverse: when people understand Islam
they should be as resolutely opposed to Islam as they are
to National Socialism. However, no matter how
negatively those in Western countries might view
Muslims, in Muslim-majority countries the unfavourable
attitudes of Muslims towards Westerners are nearly
universal (in most of the Muslim countries sampled over
92% were hostile towards Westerners – see the 2011 survey
mentioned above). The survey showed that however bad
Western attitudes towards Muslims were, Muslims despised
us Kuffar more (see the table below).

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