Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Western View

of Muslims

Muslim View

of Westerners

% %

Selfish 35 68

Violent 50 66

Greedy 20 64

Immoral 23 61

Arrogant 39 57

Fanatical 58 53

From    Muslim-Western  Tensions    Persist,    p.4

When people in the West grasp that Islam is a doctrine
of permanent war to subjugate all us Kuffar, perhaps our
hostility will reach the levels of enmity with which they
regard us. It is only in the characteristic of “fanatical” that
we Kuffar regarded Muslims as worse people than Muslims
regarded us unbelievers. Despite the hundreds of terrorist
attacks by Muslims in recent decades, we Kuffar still do
not dislike Muslims anywhere near as much as Muslims
dislike Kuffar. In the same report, when it comes to asking
Muslims and Westerners who was to blame for bad relations
between Muslims and Westerners, Muslims blame us far

more than we blame Muslims.^162 So, once again, Muslims

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