Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

have a far more negative attitude towards Kuffar than vice
versa. In France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Britain and the
USA a majority of respondents agreed that in their country

Muslims do not want to integrate.^163 When it came to
asking which religion is most violent, Westerners
overwhelmingly deemed Islam to be by far the most
violent religion, yet those in Western countries who pass
our laws and who are responsible for an increasingly
Muslim population, tell us “Islam is a religion of

Even if you skim through our chronological Koran, it is
instantly clear that Islam teaches Muslims to be violent and
teaches Muslims to despise Kuffar, and it teaches Muslims
to view the world entirely in terms of “Muslim versus
Kuffar”. People in the West are very good at separating out
the individual human Muslim from the ideology to which he
or she subscribes and promotes. This ability almost certainly
comes down to our Kuffar culture not being suffused with
the idea of hating those who are different. As the highly
esteemed expert on Islam Professor Bernard Lewis said
(in a book devoted to extolling the greatness of Islam): in
Islam “unbelief is one nation”, that is, to Muslims all the
Kuffar (atheists, Christians, Buddhists, Jews, etc.) are a

single group to be despised as a whole.^165
When one considers how Muslims have treated non-
Muslims throughout history, these negative attitudes from
Muslims will be seen to have nothing to do with any action
by Western governments in the recent or even distant past,
but have everything to do with Muslims being indoctrinated

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