Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

hands of the “dirty Kuffar” do not touch the Koran.^168 In
Muslim-dominated countries the Kuffar are forced to do
the dirtiest work:

In   Pakistan    and     Egypt,  this    has     included
forcing Christians to take the worst jobs –
such as collecting Cairo’s garbage,
repairing sewers and scavenging in trash
dumps, professions shunned by Muslims.^169

Those jobs are shunned by Muslims because of Islamic
supremacism, although often “experts” in the West seem to
have adopted the servile position that Muslims are somehow
essentially cleaner people than Christians, and therefore it is

only right that we “dirty” Kuffar do the dirty work.^170 This
idea that we Kuffar are essentially unclean did not just apply
to the Sunni Muslims of Egypt and Pakistan, but also to the
Shia Muslims of Persia. As late as the early twentieth-
century Muslims in Persia had rules demanding that Jews
did not leave their homes when it rained, in case rain-water
that touched a Jew should touch Muslims and contaminate

them.^171 This kind of institutionalised religious
discrimination in Persia still continued after the “Iranian
revolution”, with the Iranian clerics passing fatwas saying

that non-Muslims are unclean.^172
That in Islam there is a dogmatic, doctrinal loathing
towards non-believers may be shocking to most non-
Muslims, but what is incomprehensible is that our elite
should institute rules which re-affirm in Muslims in the

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