Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

West the idea that the host society is indeed essentially
unclean in comparison to Islam and Muslims. This is an
act of subservience by our leaders, who are maintaining
and supporting the Islamic hostility towards all the
Kuffar. Anyone in our liberal Western societies who
insisted that all Muslims were essentially dirty and could

never be clean would face criminal prosecution,^173 and

possibly years of imprisonment.^174 This would be

considered a serious crime: she could lose her job,^175 maybe

have her children taken from her,^176 and she would perhaps

even be murdered.^177 It is simply unimaginable that we
would institute rules marking out all Muslims as
fundamentally dirty, yet we have such rules in our own
society protecting Muslims from us dirty Kuffar!
One has to wonder: how many indicators are needed
before people realise that our elite are in the process of
subjugating us to an ideology whose followers will kill us if
we do not bow down to them? When you see images of
Kuffar children in the West being taken by teachers to
Mosques where they are bowing down to Islam it is just a

concrete instance of the future.^178 In Western countries no
element of Islam is to be challenged, and your offspring are
to be further subjugated to Islam. You will not see Muslim
children being taken to a Christian church and praying there
as though they were Christians, yet the opposite is a routine
occurrence. If the the public had been informed of the true
nature of Islam, then none of us Kuffar would permit our
children to be taken to a mosque and made to behave as if
they were Muslims. What future lies in store for your

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