Eutyches denied the humanity of the Christ,
pretending that His body was ethereal and not of flesh and
blood like ours. This is a heresy, indeed, denying the very
Incarnation. It shall be dealt with in its sequence of time.
The word "Copt" means literally, Egyptian. It is
an echo of the ancient Egyptian name "Hakuptah," and the
Greek nwne "Aegyptus," both used for Egypt. And since
the Arab Conquest in 641 A.D., Copt was narrowed down
to designate the Christian Egyptian.
In his book Egypt and Israel, London, 1911, pp.
135-6. The two presbyters he mentions are Athanasius
the Apostolic, and most formidable champion of
Orthodoxy, and Arius who denied the divinity of the
Ibid, pp. 137-8 and 140-1.
Genesis III.
James H. Breasted: The Dawn of Conscience, New
York, 1934. Chapter XI.
Breasted: ibid, pp. 364-383. Amelineau, in his
essay "Les 1dees sur Dieu dans I'Ancienne Egypte" pp.
18-31 says: "On trouve dans les livres sacres de I'Egypte,
le peche originel, la promesse d'un Dieu Sauveur, la
restauration future de l'humanite.. ." i.e., we find, in the
sacred books of Egypt, the original sin, the promise of a
Saviour God, and the future restoration of humanity.