For details of these canons cf. Archmandrite Guettee:
ibid vol. 2, pp. 284-6.
Coptic Synaxarium, giving the daily remembrances of
the acts of the Saints, v. l, p. 161, under the 29th day
of the Coptic month of Hathor; the Baptism
accepted by the Coptic Church is that administered
by the Priest and "the Baptism by blood" only.
Guettee. ibid. vol. 2, p. 295.
Pere d'Orleans: Les Saints d'Egypte, v. 2, pp. 513-
Cf. ‘Les Actes des Martyrs de l'Egypte’ by Hyvernat,
trans. from a Coptic MS. at the Vatican Library, pub.
in Paris, 1886. pp. 263-286.
This willingness to put everything in the Hands of the
Almighty God is demonstrated in many aspects of the
lives of the Copts throughout their history. Artists,
architects, and craftsmen who built Churches, and
beautified and decorated them with magnificent
carved wood, stone or ivory never signed them with
their names. The only words found on artistic
productions are the same words found also on many
a manuscript, viz. "Those who have laboured for Thy
Glory, compensate, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom of