Alexandros was a priest already well advanced in
years when he was chosen to sit on the Chair of St. Mark in
303 A.D. But both people and clergy revered and loved him,
and unanimously elected him to be their Pope. He had
already been known as "the saint who was a father of needy
ones". At the same time, he was considered by the churches,
as a "perfectly irreproachable person".^1
Soon after his election Arius, knowing his gentleness,
sought to be absolved by him also. But the gentleness of
doves was coupled with the wisdom of serpents in the old
Pope. Therefore, he answered those who entreated him on
behalf of Arius by saying: "Go and tell him that my father
Abba Petros counselled me not to have any communion with
him. If he repents of his sins against our Saviour and is
forgiven, I will receive a sign by which I will know that; then
will I gladly take him back into the church fold". This
answer, instead of pacifying Arius and leading him to repent,
infuriated him and set him against his Prelate.
Relying on his great eloquence, he became very
active in preaching his heresy. Thus he succeeded in winning
many adherents, among whom were two bishops from Libya:
Secundus and Theonas.