(Elle) #1

  1. When Abba Alexandros heard of the ravaging
    activities of Arius, he decided to renew his efforts to win him
    by persuasion, patience, and gentleness. He, therefore,
    convoked a council in Alexandria wherein he gave full liberty
    to Arius and his partisans to discuss their views and defend
    them before the assembled bishops, and, in turn, listen to the
    Church Doctrine expounded in all its integrity. The patient
    Pope listened serenely while the whole problem was thrashed
    out – assenting here, correcting there, and modulating the
    whole tenor of the sessions. The desired result was not
    achieved because Arius stubbornly refused to be convinced.
    And so once again the gentleness on the part of the
    Alexandrian Pope missed the mark. Arius grew even more
    arrogant and delusive. This led Abba Alexandros to convoke
    the Church Council for the second time. Urging all Egyptian
    Bishops to attend, one hundred of them responded and
    assembled at the meeting. After debating the matter at
    length, the Council passed the verdict "to degrade Arius
    from his priestly office, and to excommunicate him". This
    verdict was signed by ninety-eight of the bishops present.
    The only two who refrained from signing were the Libyan
    bishops whom Arius had already influenced. This took place
    in the year 321 A.D.

  2. But even this verdict was insufficient to stop the evil
    of Arius. For Alexandros and Arius were not merely the
    heads of two contending factions, rather they are to be
    considered the embodiment of two Principles, which had
    from the beginning conflicted in the Church, but never
    encountered each other on this same scale. On the one hand
    there was the belief in the Divinity of Christ, the Saviour,
    Who is the Only Begotten of the Father, so triumphantly
    proven by the Church across the ages; and on the other
    hand, the denial of this Divinity. The Fathers of Alexandria

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