(Elle) #1

  1. Athanasius was a rare genius indeed: his
    outstanding intelligence harnessed the logical flow of
    words and made of him a most gifted dialectician. His
    aptitude for the potamic was of special value in the
    struggle against such agile sophists as the Arians.l1 He
    stood up amidst the turmoil of contending doctrines as the
    gigantic pyramids stand against the skyline. A traveller
    promenading on the ancient land of Egypt may feel
    crushed by their grandeur. Likewise a Christian,
    contemplating Athanasius, this giant son of the same
    ancient land, may feel the same impression, with this
    difference: that while he may feel crushed by his stature,
    he would be charmed and attracted towards the heights of
    spiritual attainment which Athanasius set before him.l2
    When finally the struggle reached its most crucial
    point, and three hundred and eighteen Bishops and other
    Church leaders assembled at Nicea to try and re-establish
    peace, Athanasius stood up in their midst and crushed the
    Arian heresy by the force of his reasoning power as well
    as by the strength of his faith. To the vaporous and
    mercurial phraseology of Arius, he replied in firm lucid
    language, which set forth the Truth as a clear-cut

  2. With all these assets and accomplishments, it is
    little wonder that Athanasius was the man singled out as
    the most worthy to succeed Abba Alexandros as Pope of
    the Coptic Church. When grief for the departing prelate
    subsided and gave place to the thought of a successor, the
    people unanimously reiterated the name that the departed
    Pope kept murmuring on his death-bed, and it
    reverberated from lip to lip like a magnificent obsession:
    Athanasius ... Athanasius!

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