(Elle) #1

The Bishops shared the people's sentiments, so
together they sought him in his desert abode with St.
Antoni and brought him to Alexandria amidst shouts of
joy and exultation. Leading him to the Cathedral, they all
remained until the consecration was completed.^14 Fifty
bishops officiated at his ordination, while the multitudes
Abba Athanasius and his people enjoyed peace
during the first three years of his papacy. During this
short period, Fromentius, an Egyptian monk, was
consecrated first Bishop of Ethiopia. Both the king and
the people of that country welcomed him with great joy,
and they entitled him "Abba Salama" i.e. Father of peace.
In the Ethiopian annals he is described as the "revealer of
the Light."^16 (Up to the present day, Ethiopia's Primates
are ordained by St. Mark's successors, the Coptic Popes).

  1. After ordaining Fromentius, Abba Athanasius
    made his first Pastoral tour throughout the Egyptian
    region of his See. He sailed by boat up the Nile as far as
    Aswan, stopping to visit his people along the way. The
    people regarded this as a sign of paternal solicitude. They
    responded to this act by spontaneously giving him their
    love and veneration. Thus a strong link of devotion and
    loyalty was created between the Copts and Abba
    .Athanasius early in his career as Pope, and it continued
    to the end of his life.
    While on this journey consolidating his Church and
    edifying his people, Abba Athanasius heard that the
    Arians were beginning to raise their heads again. He
    immediately dispatched a message to his spiritual father
    St. Antoni, in his desert abode, and asked him to go to
    Alexandria to refute them. The venerable old sage
    responded without hesitation and once more entered the

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