intellectual activities – studying, writing, praying and
discreetly sowing the Seed of Christ s teachings. These
activities, together with the dignified and simple manner
with which Athanasius bore himself, captivated the hearts
of many a Roman patrician. It exemplified an
emancipation of soul which they did not possess but
which they craved. In their desire to attain this
emancipation, they requested Abba Athanasius to write
the biography of his teacher. He responded to their plea
and gave them (and all Christians) his famous book, "The
Life of St. Antoni".^31 Consequently some of the large
villas of Roman Senators and consuls were transformed
into retreats for monastic life.
- Hearing about the erudition and sanctity of the
Alexandrian Pope, Emperor Constance also was moved,
and he expressed the wish to receive instruction in the
Scriptures from him. Thus, Athanasius wrote a summary
of all the books of Holy Writ and sent it with a letter to
the Emperor. Upon receiving it, Constance was so
pleased that he invited the learned Father to his court.
Though appreciative of the invitation, Athanasius
debated within himself whether it would be wise of him to
visit the Emperor or not. His own country being subject
to Constantius, he did not want to do anything that might
antagonise him and aggravate the situation of the
Orthodox living under his rule ... After meditating and
praying about this matter, Abba Athanasius reached the
decision to visit Emperor Constance in Milan.
At Milan, Athanasius was received with due
honour. His visit with the Emperor of the West was quite
congenial, but faithful to his principles of prudence-he did
not make it an occasion to complain to Constance of the
deeds of his brother Constantius. Knowing that in every