- As the number of people joining the Faith continued
to increase, the authorities sought to lay hands on the
Apostle. When the brethren heard of it, they pleaded with
St. Mark to leave Egypt for some time. Thereupon, he
gathered the believers together, and ordained Anianus
Bishop for them, and ordained with him twelve priests and
seven deacons.^12 To these, he entrusted the direction of the
Leaving, Alexandria, St. Mark went first to visit his
Church in Pentapolis. From there, he went to Rome, in
answer to St. Paul's invitation. Paul had already heard of
Mark's ministry in the years which followed his contention
with Barnabas over him, and he realised, with the spreading
of the Church in Egypt, that Mark was intended by the Holy
Spirit for work in the Nile Valley.^13 Hearing that Mark had
left Egypt to keep away till the anger of the authorities
against him abated, Paul sent for him to join him in Rome,
and Mark hastened in response to his call.^14 Later on, Paul
testified to Mark's usefulness in serving the Word.^15 - During the Apostle's absence, Anianus and his
helpers continued his work. On his return, Mark found that
they had already built a church near the seashore. On the
other side of the Church, they had built houses for the poor
and the strangers. The whole Christian community, at this
early age, lived a communal life, sharing everything together:
praying, fasting, and preaching the Word. The number of the
Faithful kept growing, and the fold of the Good Shepherd
increased every day. So as soon as St. Mark returned, they
sought him, and eagerly asked him to write down for them
the teachings of the New Way. Thus, in answer to their
quest, and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Gospel
according to St. Mark was written.^16