Emperors, the support of innumerable bishops and the
unanimous applause of Orient and Occident. His heart
was overjoyed to see that the peace so long hoped for,
was at long last re-established within the Church and the
His entry into his metropolis was indescribable.
The bishops of Egypt and Libya hastened to receive him
and form a procession for him. The magistrates hurried to
the frontiers so they might welcome him first. The people
shouted with joy. For many days, public banquets were
given wherein the rich regaled the poor. Processions and
parades lasted far into the night. Everywhere the full
hands sought out the empty ones to fill them; and so
whole-hearted was charity that for a moment poverty
seemed to have vanished. An atmosphere of probity and
fervour pervaded the whole country, and each home
seemed transformed into a sanctuary. Athanasius wept
for joy as he beheld the heights of love and faith which his
people had attained; and he glorified God, Who kept the
sacred fire burning within their souls.^36
- For a while peace reigned, and the Church of
Egypt grew and flourished. Unfortunately, the good
times were not yet destined to stay. Emperor Constance,
of the Occident, was betrayed and assassinated by
Manganites, one of his generals. Agitations shook the
Empire, and Constantius waged war on his brother's
assassin. He overthrew him, and thus became the sole
ruler of both Eastern and Western Empires.
These shaking events inevitably had their
repercussions on Egypt and its Church. An atmosphere of
strife and change was just the right one for the Arians to
start their intrigues anew. Across their path stood one
man and one alone, against whom persecutions and