(Elle) #1

calumnies beat as the waves beat against a rock. Their
bitter experience throughout twenty five years had taught
them that as long as Athanasius was alive and free, their
ambitions were but empty baubles. They, therefore,
began to whisper into the ears of Constantius, and –
unfortunately – the Emperor, in an hour of weakness and
a vainglorious mood – forgot his letters and his promises
to Athanasius, and again lent an ear to his calumniators.

  1. To the denunciations and intrigues of the Arians
    was united the soft and gentle voice of a beautiful
    woman;Princess Aurelia Eusebia, second wife of the
    Emperor. Her sweet words quietly saturated his mind
    against the Egyptian Pope.
    As for Athanasius, he continued to teach his
    people and to govern them with sublime calmness even
    though he felt the clouds were ominously darkening.
    Lent came. Never were Christian assemblies so
    vast and so fervent. A presentiment of alarm filled the
    hearts of the people, urging them to pray all the more
    intensely. They celebrated Easter with great splendour.
    In the midst of these pastoral occupations, Athanasius
    received a letter from Constantius in which the Emperor
    feigned that the Pope had asked his permission to visit
    him in Rome and regulate with him some Church matters,
    and in response to his request Constantius gave orders to
    facilitate his journey. When Athanasius carefully perused
    the letter, he found no explicit order in it, but simply a
    permission to go to the Imperial court. He, therefore,
    gave a verbal reply only to the imperial messenger,
    thanking the Emperor and declaring to him that he was as
    yet very busy organising his Church and that he would
    accept the invitation later on. In this manner, he
    postponed the cruel hour of parting again from his people.

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