(Elle) #1

  1. At long last he entered Alexandria. He had grown
    older and thinner but maintained the same fiery Spirit.
    Wearing the same old garb of monks, he seemed more
    majestic and magnetic to his people. Cries of love and
    admiration echoed and re-echoed from one end of the city
    to the other. And as he advanced amidst his people,
    smiling serenely and joyously, his whole being radiated
    with paternal love.
    Abba Athanasius set himself immediately to the
    task of re-organising his church. His first act was to
    convoke a council in which he laid the rules for accepting
    repentant Arians. Some of his bishops were not exactly
    pleased at the clemency of his regulations; but he quieted
    their fears by explaining that "The Kingdom of God
    should not belong to us alone; we must, therefore
    endeavour to the best of our ability to accompany with us
    to this glorious realm as many of our brethren as possible.
    We must bend to reach the fallen. Violence is no remedy;
    it will render the wounds of the Church more incurable.
    Both Christian charity and reason demand that we
    maintain in their dignity all those who give us proof of
    their sincere repentance. "When this plea did not satisfy
    all those present, Athanasius added: "Shall we be more
    demanding than God? When the Prodigal son repented,
    after dissipating his heritage on riotous living, he had the
    joy of being welcomed home; he was accounted worthy of
    his father's embrace; he received a gold ring and was
    dressed in the sumptuous robes which he had worn before
    his fall. And the father disapproved of his elder son's
    indigence. Henceforth those who abjure the heresy in
    order to adopt the Faith of our fathers, are to be admitted
    within our ranks. Far from closing the door in their faces,

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