(Elle) #1

let us welcome them with open arms and rejoice at their
return. Let us be true followers, indeed, of our Lord".^51

  1. With these touching and revealing terms, the
    illustrious teacher of Alexandria convinced all his hearers,
    and thus succeeded in winning vast numbers of heretics.
    This marvellous achievement would have sufficed many a
    man, but not Athanasius. As he scanned the state of the
    faithful, he found that for several years, an insidious
    quarrel troubled the two sister churches: the Greek and
    the Latin. This quarrel had arisen, not over principle, but
    over words. In fact, three words were at the bottom of it
    all: person, substance and hypostasis. The Greeks used
    the word "hypostasis" to express the idea for which the
    Latins use the word "person". And to make matters
    worse, the Greek word "hypostasis" resembled in its
    linguistic composition, the Latin word "substance". This
    linguistic divergence threatened to rupture the believers of
    one Creed: each accusing the other of accepting a
    contrary belief: Athanasius decided that it was time to
    end this quibbling; lie invited both groups to convene
    together, asking each in turn, to define clearly and
    concisely the exact meaning of the words over which they
    dissented. Out of the definitions sprang the light; the
    seeming adversaries were astounded to discover that they
    shared the same belief. Each was then free to use his own
    linguistic expression without causing offence to the other.
    The only recommendation Athanasius made was that they
    keep intact the Creed of Nicea: a recommendation
    dictated by a deep insight which seems to have penetrated
    far into the unknown future.^52
    This Athanasian policy scored a success out of all
    proportions: the depth of Athanasius' soul called unto the
    depth of other souls, and they speedily responded. The

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