religious Friend of God, Athanasius – from Jovian – We
greatly admire, beyond all words, the sanctity of your life
and the indefatigableness of your efforts. Therefore, we
extend to you our esteem and our protection. You merit
both for the valour you have displayed amidst all your
trials, and for your heroic disdain of armed forces and
implacable persecutors.
"Knowing of your loyalty to the Faith and your
constancy in teaching your people, we cannot suffer you
to remain under the burden of banishment. We request
you to return and to resume your work of edification.
Retuni, there to the Holy Church and shepherd God's
people. As you stand at the head of your people,
remember us in your prayers. We are persuaded that God
will shower His favours on us and on all who are
Christian like unto us, if you will kingly accord us the
succour of your prayers".
This imperial letter was followed by another, in
which Jovian asked the Alexandrian Teacher to instruct
him in the True Faith. In response to this second letter,
Abba Athanasius assembled his own bishops, and after
conferring with them sent the Emperor the following
answer: "Your thirst after things divine is most becoming
to a prince; it is a sign that your heart is really in the
Hands of God. And since Your Piety desires to know
from us the True Faith of the Church we find nothing
more edifying on this important issue than the Faith
professed by your Fathers at Nicea ... The True Faith
shines in spite of all heresies and Chiasms through the
clarity of the Scriptures. The saints baptised unto this
Faith have sealed It with their blood, and are now
enjoying the well-earned repose in Paradise ... The men
who contradict It can never prevail against It". Abba