town and every village. At night, the whole countryside
would be lit with torches held by long lines of people
waiting to greet their Pope and singing joyful hymns.
At times, Athanasius would disembark, and go far
inland to visit some out-of-the-way village. The waiting
crowds, urged by an irresistible enthusiasm would follow
his procession. It was a wondrous experience for the
people of the Egyptian countryside who considered
Athanasius the light of their Church and the glory of their
nation. They could not take their eyes off him. The
contrast between his elevated position and the simplicity
of his garb, between the vigour of his character and the
pleasant cordiality of his visage; and between his spiritual
insight and erudition and his ability to mix with the
lowliest-all that magnetised the people: they venerated
and loved him simultaneously.
This voyage was both a triumph and a conquest. It
strengthened the Faithful and caused many heretics to
repent and return to the Orthodox doctrine. The Church
that had been so mercilessly abused was gloriously
As the procession advanced southward,
Theodorus, Abbot of Tabennisi assembled his Coenobites,
and they went out together to meet their Pope. When the
two processions met, a chorus of virile warm voices
chanted a psalm. Together, they marched towards the
monasteries. A profound joy invaded the soul of
Athanasius when he beheld the monks in their own
abodes. He praised God for causing the desert to
flourish. He blessed them and spoke words of comfort
and cheer to them. They, in turn, looked with admiration
on this living miracle: a man so great humbling himself as
the least of them; kind and affable more than any they
had seen.^57