The second shows the extent of love he succeeded in
reaching and in planting in the hearts of the ascetics living
under his guidance. "Once a certain brother brought a bunch
of grapes to the holy Macari; but he who for love's sake
thought not on his own things but·on the things of others,
carried it to another brother who seemed more feeble. And
the sick man gave thanks to God for the kindness of his
brother, but he too, thinking more of his neighbour than of
himself brought it to another; and he again to another; and
so the bunch of grapes was carried round all the cells,
scattered as they were over the desert, and no one knowing
who first had sent it, it was brought at last to the first giver.
And the holy Macari gave thanks that the had seen in the
brethren such loving kindness, and he did himself reach after
sterner discipline of the life of the spirit."^3
In the third story, St. Macari proved how tolerant the
desert ascetics could be towards those living in the hubbub
of life. For, professed monk as he was, he could recognise
that those living normal lives in the world might be as holy as
the best of monks. One day it was revealed to him that two
women married to two brothers, had attained his virtue.
Hearing this, he arose and went to the town where the two
women lived and was received by them with great honour.
But when he inquired of them what was the manner of their
life that their virtues were so highly reported of, they
informed him that they lived the ordinary life of married
women, yet they worshiped God together, refrained from
quarrelling and made an agreement never to allow an
unseemly word to proceed out of their mouths. Thereupon
Macari exclaimed that of a truth there is no difference
between the virgin and the wedded, the monk and the man of
the world. God gave the breath of life to all, and only asks
for their good intentions.^4