(Elle) #1

Instructing his disciples one day, he said to them: "If
in desiring to rebuke anyone thou art thyself moved to anger,
thou dost satisfy thine own passion rather than seek to edify
others. In saving another lose not thyself".^5
Marcari's continuous striving after perfection and the
infinite patience, tolerance and understanding he displayed in
guiding and .teaching others to follow that path drew to him
countless disciples. Consequently when he had run his
course and departed this life at the age of ninety, he left the
wastes of tho Nitrian desert thronging with a host of monks
whose lives were dedicated to the service of men and the
glory of the Heavenly Father.
To this day a monastery bearing the name of Macari
still stands in that region of the desert hallowed by his life.
And what is more, it is flourishing with spiritual youths and
new magnificent buildings.
St. Macari left many writings behind him. His
‘Homilies’ were translated into French and published by
Morel in Paris 1559; his ‘Treatises’ were published in
Toulouse in 1684; a German translation of his works was
published by Arnold in 1702; and by Cassedan in 1819, and
his biography was published in French by Amelineau in


B. 189. Another distinguished contemporary of
Athanasius was a man called Didymus, who became known
as "the Blind Seer of Alexandria". Although he had lost his
sight when he was four years old, this handicap did not deter
him from seeking to acquire and develop the visions of the
mind and soul. Being unusually talented, he was determined
to become somebody in spite of his blindness and to harness
his talents in the service of the Church.
Didymus prayed for and received inward light, and by
the power of that light, succeeded in attaining a vast range of

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