knowledge. Assiduous in listening to the most learned
professors of the great metropolis, he mastered grammar,
rhetoric, poetry, philosophy, mathematics and music.^7 None
could interpret Plato more clearly; none could speak so well
of Aristotle. Everyone marvelled at his power of solving the
most complicated problems of geometry. As for his mastery
of the sacred science, he outshone his seeing compeers. His
prodigious penetration of Holy Writ astounded the learned
men of Alexandria. He knew by heart both the Old and the
New Testaments: He could not only recite them, but also
compare and comment on the texts with all the sureness
which the exegetic science demands.^8 Little wonder, then,
that he won universal repute. The monks hastened towards
him from the depths of their desert to contemplate his radiant
figure and listen entranced to his brilliant lectures. While the
most illustrious bishops of Syria and Asia Minor found it no
derogation to their dignity to sit among his disciples and
rejoice in the charm of his eloquence. Their souls were
illuminated by his intensely burning Torch.^9 And he counted
among his disciples also such personalities as Jerome,
Rufinus and Palladius who came to quench their thirst at his
pure fountain.^10
Abba Athanasius found in Didymus a man worthy to
be the Dean of the School of Alexandria. On his part,
Didymus was an ardent admirer of the audacious and
colossal genius of his Pope, and he supported him staunchly
in his battle for the Orthodox Faith.
Entitled the Blind Seer of Alexandria, Didymus
devised the means by which the blind could learn and pursue
their studies. His technique consisted of carving the script
on wood, and thus enable the blind to read through the
medium of touch. In this ingenious way Didymus anticipated
Braille by about fifteen centuries. His method was used by
the Church for several centuries, then was lost in the trail of