- This conclusion which Pakhom reached was
confirmed by a celestial vision wherein he saw an angel of
the Lord appearing to him and bidding him to go and seek
the scattered hermits and gather them in a monastery. In
confirmation of the fact that his vision was real and not
imaginary, he received crystal-clear instructions as to the
rules which were to be the basis of life among the community
of monks.^18
Elated and joyful, Pakhom did two things. First he
set himself to the task of writing down his rules clearly and
concisely. Individual liberty was to be his watchword.
Whoever joined his community of monks would be asked to
perform only a minimum number of duties, after which he
would be free to occupy himself with whatever best suited
him, according to his own talents and initiative. The only
condition concomitant with such liberty would be that it
clash not with the required general order.
The second thing Pakhom did was to go to his old
teacher and give him a report on his vision and his Heavenly
Visitant. The saintly man rejoiced with him and told him to
take immediate action. Thereupon Pakhom returned to
Tabennisi and founded the first monastery throughout the
In so doing-according to S.J. Ryan – “Pakhom blazed
the trail for all seekers after Christian perfection, for, in
profound realisation of Divine Truth, and unbroken
communion with God, often high and mystical in its
intimacy, the monks of Egypt set an example from which the
faithiful, since, have never ceased to profit".^19 - The method whereby Pakhom organised his first
monastery – and the ones he founded subsequently – proved
the depth of his psychological insight. Guided by the Holy
Spirit, he divided his monks into grades, grouping them