- When Theodorus went unto his reward, the letter of
condolence written by Abba Athanasius was the best eulogy
he could get. In it he said: "I heard this very instant that the
blessed Theodorus has been translated into the Mansions of
Light. If his services were to end here, then indeed I would
have mingled my tears with yours and wept bitterly. But we
are certain that he still serves while delighting in eternal
glory. Would to God that we come to a similar end. Would
to God one of us conduct his frail bark like him to the haven
of our celestial home. Brethren, greatly beloved and greatly
desired, weep not over Theodorus, nor·lament his passing;
rather exert your powers – each one of you – to follow his
exemplary life. As for you, beloved Orsisius, (the monk who
was to become Supreme Head of the monasteries) now that
Throdorus has rested in peace, bear the burden of guiding
the brethren. Visit them in their monasteries; strengthen and
edify them. While Theodorus was present in the body, the
two of you shared the responsibility of shepherding the
brethren. Now that he is absent, fulfil your duty doubly.
"To conclude, I entreat all the brethren to pray for
the establishment of peace within the Church. Thanks be to
God we were enabled to celebrate Easter and Pentecost in
complete tranquility; and this benevolence of our Lord has
overwhelmed us with joy. When you receive this letter,
salute all the brethren in the name of my priests who share
with me our condolence to you. I implore God to keep you
all in good health, my brethren, dearly beloved and truly
Athanasius-By the Grace of God.^33
Bishop of the Church of Alexandria"