- W. Budge. Paradise... vol. I, p.153.
- W. Budge. Paradise ... vol. I, pp.156-6.
- W. Budga. ibid. vol. I, p. l-44; also: M. E.
Amelineau: Etude Historique sur St. Pachome et le
Cenobitisme Primitif dans la Haute Egypte d'apres
les Monuments Coptes. p. 306. - i.e. "the palms of Isis” – so-called because in ancient
times the village was dedicated to the goddess Isis. It
lies in the vicinity of Denderah, in the upper reaches
of the Nile. - W. Budge. Paradise ... vol. I, pp. 144-6; also
Barbier: op. cit. pp.121-3. - In his book Irish Monasticism, p. 38.
- W. Budge. Paradise ... vol. I, p.146.
- Ency. Brit.,11th ed., vol.18, p. 688.
- Ency. Brit., llth ed., vol.18, p. 688.
- A.S. Atiya. Nash'at ur rahbana ‘l Masihiya fi Misr (or
‘The origin of Christian monasticism in Egypt’) pub.
in Risalat Mari Mena, Alexandria; 1948, pp.161-175. - Arabic Ms. No. 287 Hist., Coptic Museum; ‘Abba
Pakham Abush-Sharikah’ ed. with comment by Fr.
Abd'1-Masih al Mas udi ‘l Baramusi. p. 66. - Ibid. pp. 117-18.