(Elle) #1

of baptism arid in awaiting the resurrection of the dead and
life eternal.

  1. One of the principles discussed and re-affirmed at this
    Council was the principle – stated clearly in the fourteenth
    canon of the Apostolic regulations, forbidding the transfer of
    a bishop from the See over which he was originally ordained
    to another See. The text of the canon affirms that "it is not
    permitted that a bishop leave his diocese for another even if
    he be constrained to do so, unless there be a very good
    reason for that, such as his greater usefulness to the other
    See. In such a case the decision must not be made by him
    alone but through the judgment and exhortations of
    numerous bishops."^2 At the Council of Nicea, this principle
    was inserted as the 15th of its twenty canons, on the grounds
    that sacerdotal honour is granted by God, that episcopal
    dignity is not dependent on the magnitude of a See, and that,
    consequently, a bishop of an unknown See need not aspire to
    one that is of greater importance or renown^3 since all are of
    equal dignity.
    There was a reason for raising this whole question
    once more at the Council of Constantinople. Macedonius
    having been condemned, some members were inclined to
    replace him by Gregory, the Theologoc. But Gregory had
    already been ordained Bishop over a little-known town in
    Asia Minor called Sazima, and this raised the question of the
    transfer. The Theologoc was a man of deep spiritual insight
    and had served the imperial city with great zeal; thus there
    would have been justification for his transfer.^4 Timothcos of
    Alexandria, however, thought that it would be preferable not
    to break the Apostolic rule, and in a spirit of brotherly love
    counselled Gregory to remain constant to it. The Theologoc
    willingly accepted this advice, for he "considered the head of
    Alexandria the head of the world."^5 Furthermore he

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