(Elle) #1

head of a procession round the church, then stood before the
sanctuary, and publicly stated that he would endeavour, to
the best of his ability, to follow in the Apostle's footsteps.^2
This ritual was not performed by Anianus, as he had been
consecrated by St. Mark himself. He, therefore, assumed the
leadership after the Apostle's martyrdom immediately,
becoming as mentioned, second Pope of Alexandria.

  1. Anianus, and the nine prelates who succeeded him,
    had a similar record. It is stated that all of them were wise
    and good, meek and simple, and that they taught the people
    with diligence and singleness of heart. Because of the
    peaceful times they enjoyed, they succeeded in greatly
    increasing the number of the faithful. Theirs was a time
    when the Seed took root, and, without interference, grew in
    dimension, branched out, and, in time, gave shelter and
    security to mankind.

  2. Rev. John Neale, in his "History of the Holy Eastern
    Church^3 says: "It pleased God that the Church which was
    afterwards, to be exposed to such fierce persecutions from
    the pagan power, and to struggle for its very existence under
    two forms of heresy (namely Arianism and Nestorianism)
    should, in its infancy, be in great measure protected from the
    storms which fell upon its sister Churches. Time was thus
    given for its establishment and consolidation. The true Faith
    took deep root in the hearts of the people of Alexandria, and,
    in due season gave forth fruit to perfection. During the first
    two centuries, Egypt enjoyed unusual quiet, and tittle is known of
    its ecclesiastical history beyond the names of its Patriarchs”.

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