as it had been to Athanasius in his fight against Arianism –
was to give precise definitions of the Orthodox Faith and
to maintain it in its full purity and integrity.
- Besides, the Nestorian controversy had already
involved so many people and aroused so much reaction
among both the high and the lowly that it could not be
resolved by just an imperial letter carrying a threat to
Abba Kyrillos. More decisive action on an ecumenical
scale had to be taken, and the Emperor himself realised
that. When, therefore, the people of Constantinople
themselves urged him to call a Council of all the bishops
to deal with this subject he responded to their plea and
issued an invitation to the Bishops of all Churches to
attend its convocation at the city of Ephesus in June of
the year 431 A.D. Kyrillos was invited on the authority of
his own dignity but the attitudes of the Emperor and of
Nestorius towards him had not been changed.
When the letter of convocation reached the
bishops of Africa, they decided by common consent to
entrust Abba Kyrillos with the responsibility of
representing them. In this decision they declared that he
was the organ of Orthodoxy.^13 Celestinus had also said to
him, “the power of our See is with you”. Thus he united
in his person three authorities: the authority of his own
See, as well as that of the Sees of Africa and of Rome.
Nonetheless, the Bishop of Rome sent his delegates to the
Council to represent his Church and his person. - No sooner did Abba Kyrillos receive the
Emperor’s invitation than he made plans to sail for
Ephesus, even though he had heard of the letter that
Nestorius had sent to Celestinus telling him that should
“the proud Pharaoh” set foot in Ephesus, he will have to