(Elle) #1

been made a spectacle unto angels and men. Not only has
thou believed in Christ, but has borne for Him all kinds of
ills. Thou hast been accounted worthy to bear His marks
in the body... Thou hast been able to do all things in
Christ Who strengthens thee; thou hast overcome Satan
by patience; thou has despised torments and tramped on
the fury of rulers...”^33

  1. A few months later, Xystus succeeded Celestinus
    to the Chair of Rome. Writing to the clergy and people of
    Constantinople, he said them of Abba Kyrillos: “In no
    work of an apostle was this apostolic man wanting: he
    conjured, he admonished, he rebuked”.^34

  2. As for John of Antioch, he persisted in his
    antagonism to Abba Kyrillos. Twice he held local
    councils and deposed him, together with the seven
    bishops who assisted him in consecrating Maximianus.

  3. This behaviour disappointed the Emperor. Taking
    counsel with Bishop Maximianus, he sent Aristolaus, one
    of his Generals, to Alexandria to confer with Abba
    Kyrillos on his readiness for a reconciliation with the
    Bishop of Antioch.
    When Aristolaus met the Alexandrian Pope and
    made known to him the purpose of his message, Abba
    Kyrillos expressed to him his willingness for such a
    reconciliation. Accordingly he sent a letter to John of
    Antioch comprising the Orthodox Doctrine and the
    reasons for the sentence passed on Nestorius.
    Another mediator for peace was Acacius, Bishop
    of Melitene who wrote to all his colleagues in the Orient
    including John of Antioch exhorting them to establish

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